I cut some plywood to cover the part above the bench work. It is being cut to reflect the different elevation of the land but most of it will be covered with scenery and should not be considered ground level. I have also added a filler piece to the corner which I will shape later. I wanted a little more separation between the tracks. Also the scenery will look better without the square corner.
Once again, I will be using flex track and the Bachmann Ready Track is just something I am using for layout. Nothing is fastened down securely as it all has to come out to paint the backdrop.
One of the changes I made was to move a second track to the tunnel area as the area to the left in this photo was just too busy. The lower area with the large piece of blue foam is going to be the dock area. The curved piece of track that ends up in the air is going to the ore tipple that sits out over the water and dumps into an ore barge. This is part of the Dolly Varden Railroad infuence. The straight piece of track passing under it will lead to the log dump area on the dock.
The brown paper that is taped to the bench work is just to help me visualize what the area will look like with the two hidden tracks showing.
I had a couple of questions about the trestle so I am including another view. This trestle is based on a plan I found in the Narrow Gauge Gazette. It is similar to the trestles used by the Rio Grand Southern. It was a lot of fun to build and I spiked down the rails and guard rails to each tie, making it four spikes per tie. It was a lot of work but makes for a nice effect.
That's it for this week.
Hi Larry,
Well I see loys of changes and I will assume that this is progress.Once again, you are doing a great job with this blog. Keep it up
Thanks Bill
Although change, as we have seen, does not always indicate progress, I think I am making progress none the less. Brian made a couple of suggestions the other night and as much as it pains me to acknowledge it, I am using them. Slowly but surely. I know, I know, don't call you surely.
Looking good Larry! And the trestle is pretty darned nice too. I see a few of the changes mentioned and I have a ? or two but I'll wait til I talk to you again.
Can't wait to see how the next steps come along.
Lookin' great, Larry! I can't believe how fast you're getting along. I hope to pick up on my layout starting the Labor Day weekend, with Bob Sprague's help.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Norm.
I'm just plugging away. Having a good time. By the way, nice work on the ice house.
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